Administrators and district personnel can generate a historical extract file that provides you with Accelerated Reader data in a comma separated value (.csv) file format. When you generate a historical extract for an Accelerated Reader quiz type, the file includes the following data:
- Renaissance client ID (site name)
- School year start date, end date, and name
- District IDs and name
- School IDs and name
- Teacher IDs, user name, email, first name, middle name, and last name
- Student IDs, user name, email, first name, middle name, last name, birth date, and grade
- Class name
- Activity ID for each quiz taken, the activity type (quiz type), and the date and time completed
- Quiz information, including quiz number, language, quiz (content) title, author, fiction or nonfiction, book level, Lexile®* measure level, and word count
- Quiz score, including the total number of questions and the number correct and the percent correct (represented as a decimal, such as 0.9 for 90%)
Students must be enrolled in a class in the current school year to be included in a historical extract.
When you choose an Accelerated Reader quiz type for the extract, you will see additional columns for Star data, but they won't be filled in.
In columns that show dates and times, you may see only the time (in UTC format) in programs like Microsoft Excel until you apply formatting to those columns. For more information, see Dates are displaying as time in Excel when viewing Historical Extract.
Follow the steps below to generate a historical extract for Accelerated Reader data.
Who can do this with default permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, School Level Administrators
- In Renaissance Next for Leaders, select Reports on the left side of the page; then, select AR in the menu that opens and select Historical Extract.
- On the Export Student Data page, make sure Star Historical Extract is selected in the Export Type drop-down list.
- In the Assignment Type drop-down list, choose Practice. When the Application drop-down list appears, choose Accelerated Reader. Finally, in the Assignments drop-down list, choose the type of quiz that you'd like to export data for.
- Select the Schools drop-down list and use the check boxes boxes to choose to export data for specific schools or all schools. If you choose "All Schools," all schools will be checked.
- Select the School Years drop-down list; then, use the check boxes to choose whether to export data for specific school years or all school years.
- Choose the end date for the projected Scaled Score that will appear in the extract. You can enter a date or select the calendar icon and select a date in the calendar.
- Select Generate Extract under the drop-down lists.
- A message will tell you that the extract is being generated. Select OK. The amount of time required to generate the extract depends on the amount of data included. You can leave the page and return later to see the completed extract.
- When the extract is available, you will see it in the table at the bottom of the Export Student Data page. Select Download Extract in a row to download the .csv file for that extract. Extract files are only available for 5 days for security reasons; if you need the extract after that, you must generate a new file.
Note that you can choose how many exports to show in the table using the Show drop-down list above the table and to the right.
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