Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
The Student Mastery Record Report provides information about your students' skill and subskill mastery based on Accelerated Reader Literacy Skills Quizzes, Accelerated Reader 360 article assignments, Star Custom assessments, instructional resources, and partner assignments.
For each student , this report lists the skills or subskills that are in Beginning, Developing, or Secured Mastery. Each table lists the skills or subskills and shows the students' percent correct and the number of activities passed or taken.
Follow these steps to print the report:
- If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, select Reports; then, in the menu, select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice or Star / Assessment. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select Reports under My Data on the left side of the page; then, select Accelerated Reader Reports.
When you go to the Reports page, the tab that is open by default depends on the choice you made in the menu. - Select Student Mastery Record Report in the Mastery Status section of the Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice page or the Star Custom section of the Star / Assessment page. (If you have added the report to the Pinned Reports, you'll find it under that section at the top of the page.)
- Select the Subject drop-down list and choose the product that you want to report on.
- Select the Assignment Type drop-down list and the quiz type or assignment type. For Accelerated Reader, choose Literacy Skills Quiz.
- Select the School drop-down list (if available) and choose your school.
- The Students drop-down list defaults to all of your classes in the selected school. If you want to select a single class instead, select it from the drop-down list.
If you want to include multiple classes, but not all, select the Classes link under the drop-down list. Then, in the Select Classes window, check the classes that you want to include. To find specific classes quickly, search for them using the field at the top of the window. To clear any boxes you have checked so far, select the Clear All link at the bottom of the window. When you're done selecting classes for the report, select Save Selection. The Students drop-down list will show you how many classes you chose.
If you want to select specific groups instead, select the Groups link under the Students drop-down list; then, check the groups to include. You can search for groups or clear selections as you can when you select classes. When you're done, select Save Selection.
If you want to include specific students on the report, select the Students link. In the Select Students window, you can use the drop-down list to select a specific grade to help narrow the results. Enter a student's name (first and/or last) to find each student, then check their name. (Note that after you check each student, they remain in the selected student count at the bottom of the window as you search for and select the next student.) When you're done, select Save Selection. - If you want to use demographic data to focus the report on specific students, select Choose Demographics.
How to choose demographics
By default, the "All" option is chosen for ethnicity, gender, language (the students' primary language, if specified), and grade level. To focus the report on specific groups, choose the "Select" option at the top of the appropriate column and then check your selections in that column. Note that ethnicity, gender, primary language, and grade level may be specified for students when you add them to the software, but only grades are required; other information may not be available for your students.
In the example above, the user has selected one Language and three Grade Levels, while leaving Ethnicity and Gender at the default "All" options. Note: The Filter Reports by Ethnicity user permission may be set to prevent the use of ethnicities as a filter.By default, the "All" option is chosen for Characteristics. To focus the report on students with specific characteristics, choose Select Characteristics; then, check the characteristics that you are interested in. You must also choose any or all above the check boxes to specify whether students with any of the selected characteristics will be included in the report or only those with all of the selected characteristics.
In the example above, the user selected two Characteristics (ADA and ESL). Because any is selected, the report will include students who are ADA, ESL, or both. If all had been selected, only students who are both ADA and ESL would be included. Note: The Filter Reports by Characteristics user permission may be set to prevent the use of characteristics as a filter.Once you have finished choosing demographic options, select Apply at the bottom of the window to save your choices (or Cancel to close the window without saving your choices).
- By default, the report will include the current school year. If you want to choose a marking period or custom dates instead, select the date field.
If you want to use one of the marking periods that have been added for your school, select the marking period in the list.
If you want to use custom dates, select Custom. Then, select the start date and then the end date in the calendar (use the arrows to the left and right of the months to go back or forward). For Star reports, you can choose dates up to three school years before the current year; the Accelerated Reader report allows older dates. When you're done, select Apply. - If you want each student's report to start on a new page, check Page Break Between Students.
- If you do not want reports for students who have no data for the selected assignment type, check Hide Students Without Data.
- Select Update Report under the report options.
- The report will open below the report options. To create a PDF file of the report that you can print, select the PDF icon in the top right corner of the page.
- When you're ready to leave the page, you can select the Home button to go back to the Home page. To go back to the Reports page, select the Reports button (circled below) or the Back to Reports link.