Use this preference to restrict the books that individual students can take Accelerated Reader quizzes for based on interest levels. Students can find quizzes with the interest levels that you don't allow, but they cannot take quizzes on those books unless you allow teachers to use the monitor password for reading quizzes to override the restriction.
In the interest levels, Lower Grades indicates content that is most appropriate for grades K-3. Middle Grades indicates grades 4-8, Middle Grades Plus indicates grades 6 and up (typically Young Adult books), and Upper Grades indicates content appropriate for upper grades (9-12). Unspecified or Unknown refers to Teacher-Made Quizzes that do not have an interest level selected.
Remember that students will be able to take quizzes on the interest levels that you don't check if the Monitor Password Override for Book/Interest Level preference allows quiz monitors or teachers to override blocks with the monitor password for reading quizzes.
Interest level restrictions carry over from year to year. If you have set restrictions, be sure to check the settings for students at the beginning of each new school year.
How to Get to This Preference
To get to the Interest Level Restrictions preference page, follow these steps:
- On the Home page, select your initials in the top right corner. Then, choose Edit Preferences from the menu that opens.
- Select Interest Level Restrictions under the Student Preferences on the Preferences page.
How to Set the Preference
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District-level administrators, school-level administrators, teachers
District-level administrators can set the preference for students in all classes at all schools. School-level administrators can set the preference for students in all classes at their schools. Teachers can set the preference for students in their classes. Other staff cannot set the preference unless they have been granted special permissions, but they can view the settings.
- If you have access to more than one school, use the Schools drop-down list to choose the school whose classes you want to set the preference for.
- Select the Classes drop-down list to choose the class that you want to set the preference for.
- Select the Students drop-down list to choose the students that you want to set the preference for. Then, check the students. If you want to set the preference for all of the students in the selected classes, click Select All. (The link changes to Clear All when you do this; select that link if you want to clear all selections.)
- The students are listed. For each student, check the interest levels for which you want to allow the student to take quizzes. (You can override these restrictions with the monitor password for reading quizzes if the Monitor Password Override for Book/Interest Level preference allows this.)
If you want to use the same setting for all of the selected students, select Set All above the table.
In the popup window, check the interest levels that you want to allow; then, select Apply to All. (You still need to save your changes.)
- Select Save Changes to save your settings. (Select < Back to go back to the Preferences page.)