Use this preference to restrict the books that students can take Accelerated Reader quizzes for based on book levels. Students can find the quizzes for book levels that you don't allow, but they cannot take quizzes on those books unless you allow teachers to use the monitor password for reading quizzes to override the restriction.
The book level type used depends on the Lexile®* Goals preference setting for the class; if it is set to use Lexile® measures, then book level restrictions for students in that class are set as a range of Lexile® measures rather than ATOS book levels.
If you want to encourage students to read within a range of book levels, but you don't want to restrict them, consider using reading range goals instead of restrictions. When reading ranges are used, students can see their range on the book ideas page and their progress page, and older students will see messages encouraging them to select books within the range.
Students who select articles will still be able to read articles with the restricted book levels, but they will not be allowed to take quizzes on those articles. (Articles can be turned off for a school using the Article Quiz Availability preference.)
How to Get to This Preference
To get to the Book Level Restrictions preference page, follow these steps:
- On the Home page, select your initials in the top right corner. Then, choose Edit Preferences from the menu that opens.
- Select Book Level Restrictions under the Individual Student Preferences on the Preferences page.
How to Set the Preference
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District-level administrators, school-level administrators, teachers
District-level administrators can set the preference for students in all classes at all schools. School-level administrators can set the preference for students in all classes at their schools. Teachers can set the preference for students in their classes. Other staff cannot set the preference unless they have been granted special permissions, but they can view the settings.
- If you have access to more than one school, use the Schools drop-down list to choose the school whose classes you want to set the preference for.
- Select the Classes drop-down list to choose the class that you want to set the preference for.
- Select the Students drop-down list to choose the students that you want to set the preference for. Then, check the students. If you want to set the preference for all of the students in the selected classes, click Select All. (The link changes to Clear All when you do this; select that link if you want to clear all selections.)
- The students are listed. For each student, move the circles to set the range of book levels for which the student should be allowed to take quizzes. Once you have selected a circle (and you see an outline around it), you can also use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the circle to the left or right in 0.1 increments (for ATOS book levels) or increments of 10 (for Lexile® measures).
You can also enter the starting and ending book levels for the allowed range to the left and right of the line. In the example above, the student can take quizzes on books with levels from 4.0 to 7.5.
You can override these restrictions with the monitor password for reading quizzes if the Monitor Password Override for Book/Interest Level preference allows this.
If you want to use the same setting for all of the selected students, select Set All above the table.
In the popup window, select the range of book levels that you want to allow; then, select Apply to All. (You still need to save your changes.)
- Select Save Changes to save your settings. (Select < Back to go back to the Preferences page.)
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