On this page, you can see more information about your students' Accelerated Reader data for Reading Practice Quizzes (independent reading). The data includes percent correct, points earned, percent nonfiction, and percent read within the Zone of Proximal Development.
How to Get to the Independent Reading Diagnostic Dashboard
- If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, select Reports; then, select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice in the menu. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select Reports under My Data on the left side of the page; then, select Accelerated Reader Reports.
- On the Reports page, the Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice tab will be selected. Select Independent Reading Diagnostic Dashboard in the Monitor Progress section of the page.
Choosing the Class
Select the first drop-down to choose the class whose data you want to see.
In the window that opens, choose the school (if shown), the teacher, and the class. The selections that you need to make depend on your position; teachers typically only need to choose the class to work with. (You can search the items in a column by clicking within that column and then typing Ctrl+F or control-F on the keyboard.) When you're done, select Apply.
Choose the Time Period
Use the second drop-down list to choose the time period that you want to view data for: all time, the current school year, the current marking period, the last 30 days, or the last 7 days.
Which marking period is used?
Marking periods are set up for all Renaissance software by administrators or non-teaching staff.
The Independent Reading Diagnostic Dashboard only recognizes marking periods that have the type set to "Marking Period" (not other types such as quarters or semesters).
When you choose Marking Period as the time period to view data for, this page uses the current marking period that has the type set to Marking Period.
You can't select Marking Period if no school marking periods are set up in the Renaissance software.
Choose the Groups to View
All groups that have been created for the class are listed on the left side of the page.
If you don't want to show a group or student on the graphs, select the check mark to remove it from the circle as shown below.
Viewing Group Names Only
If you only want to see the groups as a whole on the metric graphs, use the arrow to the right of the group name to collapse the group.
When you do this, only the groups will be shown on the metric graphs, not the names of the students within the groups. The scores you see for a group are the median of the scores of the students in the group.
Viewing Student Names
If you want to see student names, both within the groups and on the metric graphs, select the arrow to the right of the collapsed group name.
When you do this, student names will show on the graphs instead of group names.
You can move the cursor over a student's name to see that student's specific data for the metric. In the example below, Gabriel's average percent correct for Reading Practice Quizzes is 90%.
Viewing the Metrics
By default, four graphs are shown for the reading practice data from Accelerated Reader:
AR Practice Quiz % Correct: Percent correct that the students achieved on Reading Practice Quizzes within the timeframe you chose. 85% or higher is within the green area.
AR Practice Points: If the students have Accelerated Reader points goals for the selected time period, the graph shows whether students are expected to meet their goals. Students earn points by passing quizzes.
- Above Pace means the student has earned at least the number of points expected by this time in order to meet the goal. If the student continues earning points at the same rate, the student will meet or exceed the goal. For example, if you are halfway through the goal timeframe, and the student has already earned 50% or more of the points needed to meet the goal by the end of the timeframe, the student would be above pace.
- Below Pace means the student has earned 50-99% of the points expected by now in order to be on track to meet the goal. If the student continues at the same pace, he or she will not meet the goal, but earning points at a faster rate could put the student back on pace.
- Well Below Pace means the student has earned less than half the points needed by now in order to be on track to meet the goal. Unless the student starts earning points at a much higher rate, he or she will not meet the goal.
AR Practice % Nonfiction: The percentage of quizzing that was done on nonfiction books. This is the balance of fiction vs. nonfiction reading. This calculation is used to find the balance score:
100 - [absolute value of (nonfiction % - suggested nonfiction ratio)] = balance score.
Students with a score of 80 or above are closest to the suggested ratio of nonfiction-to-fiction reading, and they are shown in the "Close to Target" category on the graph (the green area). Students in the "Below Target" category have a score of 40-80 and are 20-60% away from the ideal ratio. Students in the "Well Below Target" category are the furthest from the ideal ratio (with a score of 0-40).
The table below shows a suggested nonfiction ratio for each grade for reading practice and instruction. The combined ratio is a recommendation on all reading that comes from Common Core State Standards.
Grade Practice Instruction Combined Pre-K 25 50 50 K 25 50 50 1 25 50 50 2 25 50 50 3 25 50 50 4 25 50 50 5 25 50 50 6 25 50 50 7 25 50 50 8 35 55 55 9 35 55 55 10 35 55 55 11 35 55 55 12 45 70 70 -
AR Practice % Within ZPD: The percentage of quizzing that was done within the students' Zone of Proximal Development. The recommended percentage (the green area on the graph) is 60% or higher. Note: This graph only shows data if you have set goals for students in the class or group in Accelerated Reader.
No Data
Students who have not taken any Reading Practice Quizzes in Accelerated Reader within the timeframe you selected will be listed under No Data below each of the graphs. If your school has Star Reading, but is not using Accelerated Reader, all students will be listed under No Data.
Changing the Number of Metrics Shown
If you don't want to show all four of the metrics, select the drop-down list above the graphs and choose the number of metrics that you want to see.
Changing the Order or the Metrics Shown
To change the order of metrics shown (or the metrics that are shown if you've chosen fewer than 4), select the title of each metric and choose the graph that you want to show in that position.
Showing Connections Between Graphs
By default, the Show connections box is checked, and lines will connect each student name or group on the four graphs. This makes it easy to see where a specific student or group falls on each graph. The line is the same color as the student or group name. If students don't have any data for one of the columns, the lines to the remaining columns will be dashed instead of solid.
If you do not want to show the connections, remove the check mark from the Show connections box above the graphs.
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Click the PDF icon at the top of the page to generate a PDF file. You can then print or save the file.
Going Back to the Navigator
Select the Reports icon at the top of the page to go back and choose a different dashboard or report.