Use this page to review student matching before you approve the merge of your school-level and district-level Renaissance sites. A link to this page has been provided by your Renaissance representative because we've received a request to merge your school Renaissance site with your district Renaissance site. Now, you need to review student matches and change matches if necessary before we begin merging the sites.
Correct matching is very important. When students who are already on both sites are matched correctly, those records will be merged automatically when the sites are merged, and you won't need to manually merge each individual student's records. To facilitate matching, use the same student IDs, first name spelling, and last name spelling for students on both sites. If you are a CDI customer, work with your Renaissance representative to have your students added to the district site before you match students.
First, you will see a summary of the students found on the school-wide and district-wide sites and how many have been matched.
These numbers show you:
- How many students were found on the school-level site and the district-level site.
- How many of those students were matched. These students' records will be merged when the sites are merged.
- How many students will be copied/moved from the school-level site into the district-level site. These students were found on the school-level site, but not the district-level site, so their records will be copied when the sites are merged. Note: These students' passwords will be set to the same default password, which will be provided to you; students will be asked to change their password when they log in the first time.
Regardless of whether students are matched and merged or copied/imported, students' Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy assessments (English and Spanish), Star CBM assessments, Accelerated Reader quiz records, and mastery information will be brought into the merged site. Star scores will include benchmark categories.
Take some time to review the matches and to make changes if necessary so that students are matched correctly. To do this, select Review and Edit Students. You will see a list of the students that were found on the school-level site and whether each student a) has been matched to a student on the district-level site, or b) will be copied to the district-level site from the school-level site (New Student). You can edit matches for any student. For more information, see Site Merge - Review and Edit Matches.
Submitting the Transfer Request
Be sure to review students before notifying Renaissance to begin the site transfer. Once you have reviewed the students and you believe the sites are ready to be merged, select Submit Transfer Request; then, select Yes, I'm Done Reviewing Students in the message that opens. This will notify Renaissance Support that you have finished reviewing matches and that the process of merging sites can begin. Your customer support representative will contact you within 1 to 2 business days for approval.
Additional Notes About Site Merges
When sites are merged, students from the school-level site will be enrolled in schools, but not classes. If you use the CDI service, work with your Renaissance representative to get your classes and courses and class enrollment on your district site. If not, you need to recreate courses and classes and enroll students in the appropriate classes, or import the information using a single-school import file.
Grades for Non-Matched Students
Students from the school-level site who were not matched will have the same grade on the merged site that they had on the school-level site. You may need to edit student grades.
Personnel (teachers, staff, and administrators) that were only on the school-level site must be recreated on the district-level site. If you use the CDI service, work with your Renaissance representative to get personnel on your district site. If not, you can import personnel information or add school personnel and district personnel manually.