This page shows you all the choices you made in the previous steps for the new class you are creating.
How Do I Get to This Page?
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- Do one of the following.
- On the left select Classes & Courses. Then, on the Classes & Courses page, select Add a Class.
- On the right, under New School Year Wizards, select Manually Set Up Classes & Courses.
- On the left select Classes & Courses. Then, on the Classes & Courses page, select Add a Class.
- Complete the class details selecting a school and course, adding a class name, selecting a marking period, and assigning products. Select Continue >.
- Select your teacher(s) and select Continue.
- Enroll students and select Continue.
How to Review Your New Class
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff
This page shows you all the choices you made for this new class in the previous steps of the creating a new class. Review the class summary and do one of the following:
- Select Add another class to save this class and add another one.
- Select Done to complete and save this class.
- Select < Back to go to the previous Enroll Students page.