The Biliteracy tab on the Student Details page shows you information about the student's reading in Spanish and English.
How to Go to the Biliteracy Tab on the Student Details Page
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, School Level Administrators, Teachers
- If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, to open the Accelerated Reader Record Book, select Accelerated Reader 360 Independent Reading; then, select Record Book & Goals in the menu. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select AR under My Apps on the left side of the page as shown in the second example below; then, select Record Book & Goals in the menu that opens.
- If you have access to more than one school and/or more than one class, use the drop-down lists at the top of the page to choose the school and class whose information you want to see.
- The Student Goals tab is selected by default; select Biliteracy Report to see biliteracy information for the class.
- Select a specific student to see the quizzes that the student took in each language.
Changing the Selected Student or Marking Period
Use the Student drop-down list at the top of the page to view a different student's information.
Use the Marking Period drop-down list to see the student's data for a different marking period.
You cannot change the class or school in the Student Details, but you can change them if you select < Back to All Students to go back to the class Record Book.
Viewing the Student's Biliteracy Reading Information
First, you'll see the student's overall data for their reading in Spanish (Esp) and English (Eng) during the selected marking period. This data is based on the Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes the student took.
- % Correct: What is the student's average percent correct for the quizzes they have taken in each language? Average percent correct can help you see whether students are comprehending what they read; it may also show you whether students are choosing books that are too difficult or books that are about the right level.
- Average Book Level: What is the average book level for passed quizzes in each language? Are students reading books that are at a level you would expect?
- Reading in English vs. Spanish: You will see the total number of points that the student has earned by passing quizzes, the number earned from quizzes in each language, and the percentage for each language. Are students passing more quizzes in one language than another? Is that what you expect to see?
Below that, you will see two tables listing the Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes that the student took during the selected marking period. The first table shows the quizzes the student took in Spanish; the second shows the quizzes the student took in English. For each quiz, you'll see:
- the date the quiz was taken
- the quiz number
- the title of the book or article
- the book level (ATOS or Lexile®*, depending on the setting of the Lexile® Goals preference)
- the score (number correct/number of questions) and whether the student passed the quiz or failed it
- the number of points the student earned (points earned depends on whether the student passed the quiz, the student's score, and the points available for the book or article)
At the bottom of each table, you'll see the total number of quizzes taken and passed.
Quiz Actions
Click the Actions link in the row for a quiz to see the options available. Administrators will see all the options described below. Teachers always see the "View TOPS" option; the setting of the Manage Quiz Results preference determines whether teachers also have the other options listed below.
- View TOPS: Select this to see the TOPS Report for the student's quiz. When you view a TOPS Report, you can choose to view it in English or Spanish, and you can print the report.
- Review/Rescore (Reading Practice Quizzes and Other Reading Quizzes): Select this to rescore the questions on the student's quiz or to simply review the student's answers. For details, see Editing Students' Reading Practice or Other Reading Scores.
- Transfer Activity: Select this to transfer a quiz record from the current student to another student. This is useful when a student has accidentally taken a quiz while logged in as another student. For details, see Transferring a Quiz Record from One Student to Another. (For Article quizzes, both the quiz shown here and the skills practice assignment will be transferred.)
- Edit Quiz Date: Select this to change the date for the student's quiz record. This is useful when the quiz should count toward a goal for a different marking period or appear in reports for a different time period. For details, see Editing Quiz Dates.
- Deactivate: Select this to deactivate a quiz record so that it does not count toward the student's goals and it does not appear in reports. After you deactivate a quiz, you will see "Deactivated" on the Student Details page instead of the score. You can reactivate the quiz by selecting Actions again and choosing Reactivate. For details, see Deactivating a Student's Quiz Record.
Viewing the Student's Statistics
Regardless of the tab selected on the Student Details page, at the top of the page, you'll see the following information for the selected student:
- the average book level of the books the student has read this school year (shown as either an ATOS book level or a Lexile® level, depending on the setting of the class Lexile® Goals preference)
- the number of books the student has read this school year (based on the number of passed Reading Practice Quizzes and Other Reading Quizzes)
- the number of articles the student has read this school year (based on the number of passed article quizzes)
- the percentage of reading that has been nonfiction (based on the points earned for fiction and nonfiction)
- the number of words the student has read based on passed quizzes
Printing and Reports
If you want to print the page, select the print icon in the gray bar toward the top of the page.
If you want to go to the Reports page, select the Reports icon in the gray bar.
Other Tabs on the Student Details Page
To see this student's reading goals, select the Student Goals tab.
To see the quizzes this student has taken, select the All Quizzes tab.
To see this student's certification goals, select the Certifications tab.
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