Normally, students earn points as they pass Reading Practice Quizzes, Other Reading Quizzes, and Article Quizzes; the points earned for each quiz are based on the student's score. You do not need to manually track earned points; the program automatically awards points earned.
However, when you choose the Track Awarded/Used Points option, you can add points awarded for other reasons, and you can mark points as "used." This is helpful if your students use or "spend" their points in classroom activities.
When you select a specific student as described below, you can award points to that student or record points used, and you can edit or delete previous records of points awarded or used.
- Points awarded do not count toward points goals or certification goals; only points earned from quizzes count toward the goals.
- Points used do not subtract from the points that count toward goals - all earned points count toward goals.
- Points awarded and points used do not appear on reports or elsewhere in the Record Book. Only earned points are included in reports.
How to Get to the Student Detail Page for Points Awarded and Used
Who can do this with default permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, Teachers
- If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, to open the Accelerated Reader Record Book, select Accelerated Reader Independent Reading. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select AR under My Apps on the left side of the page as shown in the second example below.
- At the top of the page, you will see a School drop-down list if you have access to more than one school and a Class drop-down list if you have access to more than one class. Use the drop-down list(s) to select the school and class whose information you want to view. You can view information for one class at a time.
- By default, the Student Goals tab is selected. Select Latest Quiz.
- Just above the table of quiz results and to the right, select Track Awarded/Used Points.
- Use the drop-down list to select the marking period that you want to see points awarded and points used for. You can also choose the school year as a whole. (If necessary, you can also change the selected school and class if you have access to more than one.)
- Select the name of a student to see that student's records of points awarded and points used.
Viewing and Changing the Student's Points Awarded and Points Used Records
The top of the Student Details page shows you how many points the student has earned and has available in the marking period (or school year) that is selected (points earned + points awarded - points used = points available).
On this page, you can do the following:
- To edit a student's record of points awarded or used, find the row for that record in the table. Then, select the date field to change the date if necessary, and/or enter a different amount of points awarded or used in the row. (You can change more than one row if necessary.) When you're done, select Save Edits. Your changes will be reflected in the Point Summary at the top of the page and in the Awarded and Used columns for the record.
- To delete a student's record of points awarded or used, find the row for that record in the table. Then, select Delete at the end of the row. In the message that opens, select Delete again to confirm that you want to delete the record. The change will be reflected in the Point Summary at the top of the page.
- To add a new record of points awarded or used, select Add a Point Record above the table. The default date is today; if you want to use a different date, select the date field and choose the date from the calendar. Enter the number of points that you want to award and/or the number of points that have been used; you may enter whole numbers or up to one digit after a decimal (such as 2.4). When you're done, select Apply. The change will be reflected in the Point Summary at the top of the page.
- To see another student's records, use the drop-down list at the top of the page to select that student. To change the marking period that you're viewing information for, use the Marking Period drop-down list.
- To go back to the class page, select Back to Track Awarded/Used Points.
- If you would like to print a copy of the information, select the PDF icon in the top right corner of the page. When the PDF file is ready, select View PDF to open the file, which you can then print or save.