The Student Goals tab on the Student Details page shows you the student's reading goals. This version of the tab is for students whose classes are using the goal model for grades 3-5 or for grades 6 and up; for students using the K-2 model (badges), see Student Details - Student Goals (K-2).
How to Go to the Student Goals Tab on the Student Details Page
Who can do this with default permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, Teachers
- If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, to open the Accelerated Reader Record Book, select Accelerated Reader 360 Independent Reading; then, select Record Book & Goals in the menu. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select AR under My Apps on the left side of the page as shown in the second example below; then, select Record Book & Goals in the menu that opens.
- If you have access to more than one school and/or more than one class, use the drop-down lists at the top of the page to choose the school and class whose information you want to see.
- The Student Goals tab is selected by default; if you've selected a different tab, select Student Goals to see a class view of your students' current reading goals.
- Select a specific student to see that student's goals and the quizzes that apply to them.
Changing the Selected Student
Use the Student drop-down list at the top of the page to view a different student's information. You cannot change the class or school in the Student Details, but you can change them if you select < Back to All Students to go back to the class Record Book.
Viewing the Student's Goals
On the Student Goals tab of the Student Details page, you can see the student's goals for the marking period selected at the top of the page. Use that drop-down list to change marking periods if you want to see past or future goals.
For the selected marking period, you will see the student's goals for average percent correct, points earned, and reading range.
- Average percent correct shows the student's overall average for all Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes, passed and failed. Under the student's percentage, you'll see the goal. If the student's average is above the goal for the marking period, you'll see a green arrow pointing up ; if it is below the goal, you'll see a red arrow pointing down .
- Points shows you how many points the student has earned in the marking period, the goal, and whether the student is on track to make the goal. Until the student starts, you will see below the goal. Once the student begins earning points, you will see if the student is earning points at a rate that make it likely the goal will be met or if the rate makes it possible the student will not meet the goal. If the student meets the goal exactly, you will see . If the student earns more points than required for the goal, you will see . You will see the percentage of the goal that the student has completed next to the goal; you can compare the student's percentage to the percentage of the marking period that has elapsed, which is shown under the "Reading Goals" heading.
- Reading Range shows how much of the student's reading is below, in, and above the expected range. If the student reads in both English and Spanish, and ranges are set for both, the graph and percentages are based on both English and Spanish reading. One of these status messages is also shown:
Message | What It Means |
The student has taken Accelerated Reader quizzes, but no reading range has been set yet for either English or Spanish. Edit goals to set reading ranges and see progress. | |
60% or more of the student's reading has included books and articles with levels that are within the reading range (the percentage is based on points, not number of quizzes passed). The student's average percent correct is at or above 60%, so the student seems to be comprehending what they read. | |
50% or more of the student's reading has included books and articles with levels below the reading range, though the student's average percent correct is at or above 60%. The student's current reading is not challenging enough based on the range. | |
50% or more of the student's reading has included books and articles with levels above the reading range, and the student's average percent correct is below 60%. The student appears to be reading material that is too challenging. | |
This message appears when:
Students can see their progress toward their goals. For more information, see How Students View Progress on Quizzes Taken.
Editing Goals
If you want to edit the student's goals for a marking period, select Edit Goal to the right of the goals.
Then, you can either change the goals manually or use the goal calculator.
Editing Goals Manually
To change the goals manually, use the drop-down list to choose the average percent correct goal, and enter a new points goal and/or a new reading range in the fields.
For the average percent correct goal, you can choose 80% or any value from 85%-90%; 80% is recommended.
For points, consider the amount of daily reading time that you expect the student to do when setting the goal. Points goals may be whole numbers or have one digit after the decimal point.
For reading range, you can change existing reading ranges by clicking in the fields and changing the numbers. If no ranges have been added, select Add under the English or Spanish heading; then, enter the range. For ATOS book levels, you can enter whole numbers or numbers with one decimal place (such as "5" or "5.4"). For Lexile® measures, enter whole numbers for the goal (omit the "L") or "BR" for all BR levels. Below the fields, if the student has passed quizzes during the goal time period, you'll see the student's actual average book levels in English and Spanish, and if the student has taken a Star test, you'll see the student's Zone of Proximal Development and the test date.
When you're done, select Save Goal to the right of the goals.
Editing Goals with the Goal Calculator
You can also set goals using the goal calculator. To start, select Goal Calculator.
Then, in the Goal Calculator, use the Daily Reading Time drop-down list to choose the number of minutes you expect this student to read every day: 15 (recommended), 20, 30, 35, 45, or 60 minutes. This affects the number of points the student can be expected to earn; more reading should lead to the student earning more points.
If the student has taken more than one Star Reading test this school year, use the baseline test drop-down list to choose which reading range to base the student's goals on; the ranges may be shown as Zones of Proximal Development or Lexile® ranges. (If the student has taken multiple tests in the same day, note that only the range from the last test that day will be in the drop-down list.)
If the student has not taken a Star Reading test, a grade level is shown instead, and you can change it if necessary. The grade level format is grade.month (such as 5.5 for fifth grade in the fifth month).
Use the Reading Range drop-down list to choose the type of goal that you want to set: Full ZPD (based on the baseline test or the grade equivalent), Moderate (the lower end of the student's Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® range), or Ambitious (the upper end of the student's ZPD or Lexile® range).
If your class is using Lexile® measures instead of ATOS book levels (as set in the Lexile® Goals preference), you can also use the Goal Calculator to set the Spanish Reading Range. If the student has taken a Star Reading Spanish test, you can select a Spanish baseline test and then select a Reading Range just as you did for English. If the student has not taken a Star Reading Spanish test, you can enter a Grade Equivalent and select the Reading Range as for English.
When you're done choosing the goal options, select Apply. The student's goals will be updated based on your selections, and you can make adjustments if necessary. When you're done, select Save Goal to the right of the goals.
If you decide not to use the Goal Calculator once you have opened it, click outside the window to close it.
To leave the page without saving changes to goals, select < Back at the top of the page.
Viewing the Quizzes that Apply to Goals
Below the student's goals for the marking period, you will see a list of the quizzes that have been taken during the selected marking period. This helps you see how the student achieved the progress shown above.
By default, "All Reading" is selected in the Quiz Type drop-down list; this means the list is showing all Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes that the student took during the selected marking period. These are the quizzes that apply to reading goals. If you would like to focus on a particular type of quiz, you can select Reading Practice, Other Reading, or Article Quizzes.
In the list of quizzes, you'll see the date the student took the quiz, the quiz number, title, and book level, the student's score, and the number of points earned. Note that the points earned depend on the score; the student doesn't earn all points unless they answer all questions correctly. The book level shown may be an ATOS book level or a Lexile® measure, depending on the setting of the Lexile® Goals preference for the class.
Click the Actions link in the row for a quiz to see the options available. Administrators will see all the options described below. Teachers always see the "View TOPS" option; the setting of the Manage Quiz Results preference determines whether teachers also have the other options listed below.
- View TOPS: Select this to see the TOPS Report for the student's quiz. When you view a TOPS Report, you can choose to view it in English or Spanish, and you can print the report.
- Review/Rescore (Reading Practice and Other Reading Quizzes only): Select this to rescore the questions on the student's quiz or to simply review the student's answers. For details, see Editing Students' Reading Practice or Other Reading Scores.
- Transfer Activity: Select this to transfer a quiz record from the current student to another student. This is useful when a student has accidentally taken a quiz while logged in as another student. For details, see Transferring a Quiz Record from One Student to Another. (For Article Quizzes that are associated with skills practice assignments, both the quiz shown here and the skills practice assignment will be transferred.)
- Edit Quiz Date: Select this to change the date for the student's quiz record. This is useful when the quiz should count toward a goal for a different marking period or appear in reports for a different time period. For details, see Editing Students' Quiz Dates.
Deactivate: Select this to deactivate a quiz record so that it does not count toward the student's goals and it does not appear in reports. After you deactivate a quiz, you will see "Deactivated" on the Student Details page instead of the score. You can reactivate the quiz by selecting Actions again and choosing Reactivate. For details, see Deactivating a Student's Quiz Record.
Note that Review/Rescore is not available for Article Quizzes.
After you deactivate (or reactivate), transfer, or rescore a quiz record, it may take up to 30 minutes for the change to be reflected in the School Year Summary at the top of the page.
Viewing the Student's Statistics
Regardless of the tab selected on the Student Details page, at the top of the page, you'll see the following information for the selected student:
- the average book level of the books the student has read this school year (shown as either an ATOS book level or a Lexile® level, depending on the setting of the class Lexile® Goals preference)
- the number of books the student has read this school year (based on the number of passed Reading Practice Quizzes and Other Reading Quizzes)
- the number of articles the student has read this school year (based on the number of passed article quizzes)
- the percentage of reading that has been nonfiction (based on the points earned for fiction and nonfiction)
- the number of words the student has read based on passed quizzes
Printing and Reports
If you want to print the page, select the print icon in the gray bar toward the top of the page.
If you want to go to the Reports page, select the Reports icon in the gray bar.
Other Tabs on the Student Details Page
To see the quizzes this student has taken, select the All Quizzes tab.
To see this student's certification goals, select the Certifications tab.
To see more information on a bilingual student's reading in Spanish and English, select the Biliteracy tab.
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