If you do not allow students to log in to Renaissance from home, they can still log in to Renaissance Home Connect to see their progress toward reading practice goals and reading certification goals and to see their scores for quizzes they have completed. (Quizzing is not available through Renaissance Home Connect.)
To give students the information they need to log in to Renaissance Home Connect, teachers or administrators can select Reports on their home page and select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice or Accelerated Reader Reports in the menu that opens. Then, they select the Home Connect Send Home Letter and choose the students to generate the letter for. A letter will be generated for each student that you include. The letter can be sent home with students so that both students and parents have the address as well as the user name and password needed to log in.
Students then go to the address provided in the letter, enter their user name and password, and select Log In.
The student will then see three tabs: My Goals, My Certifications, and My Completed Work.
Parents can set up email updates from the student Home page or in Renaissance Home Connect so that they receive an email whenever their child does work (including Accelerated Reader quizzes).
Parents who want to look up books with quizzes can go to https://www.arbookfind.com/.
My Goals/My Progress
The My Goals tab shows students their progress toward reading practice goals. If students do not have goals, the tab is named My Progress, and it shows information about the student's reading progress.
Viewing Progress for Students in Grades 3 and Up
For older students (typically grades 3 and higher depending on the goal model the teacher chose), students can see their progress toward their goal for points, reading range, and average overall quiz score (percent correct). If the teacher chose the rocket (grade 3-5) model, the points goal is shown as a rocket heading toward a planet, and the student can see the points they have earned and the goal. (If there is no goal, the rocket is flying through space and the student sees the number of points earned.)
If the teacher chose the goal model for grades 6 and up, the student's goal progress is shown on a line:
Older students also have goals for average percent correct and reading range. Average percent correct goals are shown as a gauge where the student can see the goal and their own achievement. (If there are no goals, the overall quiz score gauge shows whether the student's average score is above 85%.)
When reading range goals are set, students see their English and/or Spanish ranges (depending on what has been set) and a message telling them how well they are doing in selecting books within their range(s).
Older students also see statistics about their reading and their Star scores on the Unified scale (if they have scores in the selected marking period). The percentage of fiction versus nonfiction reading is based on the number of points earned for each. The percentage of Spanish versus English reading is only shown for students who have taken a Star Reading Spanish test and/or have taken an Accelerated Reader quiz in Spanish.
Viewing Progress for Younger Students
For younger students (typically grades K-2 depending on the teacher's goal model choice), progress is shown in terms of the tokens and badges earned. Students earn a token for each passed quiz: a star if they got some questions wrong and a trophy if they answered all the questions correctly. These tokens fill in the requirements for animal character badges. The student can see each character as they earn the number of tokens required for each badge; they can see the books that count toward a badge by selecting the badge.
Tokens for short books (books worth 0.5 points) go in Greenwood Glen (shown above). Medium books (worth 1 point) go in Timber Park. Long books (worth 2 points) go in Pinnacle Peak. Students will only see the areas that apply to their goals.
At the top of the My Goals tab, students can see statistics about their reading and the recommended book levels they should read at.
If the teacher chose to use reading ranges when selecting the goal model, the student will see a message telling the student the best book levels for them (for English and/or Spanish, depending on which reading ranges have been set).
My Certifications
This tab shows students' progress toward certification goals. This tab is not available to students whose class is using the K-2 goal model. The My Certifications tab includes:
- Just under the tabs, students will see a marking period dropdown list and how much of the marking period has passed; to see goals for a different marking period, students select another one from the drop-down list.
- Under the marking period information, the student will see his or certification goal, including the requirements for the certification. Only passed Reading Practice quizzes count toward certification goals.
- Under the goal, the student will see the achieved certification goals for the current school year. (A number after the certification means the student re-certified at that level that many times.)
My Completed Work
The My Completed Work tab is a showcase of all the quizzes that the student has taken in the past several years. The quizzes are organized by month, with the most recent quizzes listed first; the score earned for each is shown.
Students can also search the list for a specific quiz using the title, author, or quiz number. In the search field above the list and to the right, the student can enter the information and click the magnifying glass to start searching.
The quizzes that matched the student's search will be listed. If the student wants to see the whole list again, the student selects Clear Search.
When students select a book cover, they will see:
- More information about the book. This may include title, author, quiz number, language, ATOS book level, Lexile®* measure, and points.
- Their rating of the book (shown by stars and text).
- How many questions they answered correctly, their percent correct, the number of points they earned, and the number of words they read.
- The Review Questions button (if the Show Quiz Answers preference allows students to review quiz questions and if the quiz was taken during the current school year). For passed quizzes, students can select this button to see the questions and the answers to any questions that they answered incorrectly.
- The View TOPS Report button. Students select this to open their TOPS report in a new tab. The report includes their score on the quiz and information about their progress. Students can select PDF to print the report. When they are done, they can close the tab.
- A < Back button that they can use to go back to the list of completed quizzes.
For some quizzes, details may not be available. A message will tell you that when you click the book cover.
Email Updates
Parents can set up email updates about their child's work by selecting Get Email Updates, either from the student Home page (when their child logs in) or in Renaissance Home Connect at the top of the page.
Parents enter their name and email address, choose a language, and choose the assignments for which they'd like to receive updates. For more information, see Getting Email Updates on Your Child's Work (Parents). The Home Connect Email preference controls which assignments parents can select for email updates.
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