The Quiz Takers Report gives you information about your students' activity on Reading Practice Quizzes, Other Reading Quizzes (textbook quizzes), and Article Quizzes. The report shows you which students have taken specific quizzes in a selected time period. For each student, the report shows the teacher name, the date and time the quiz was taken, the student's score (number possible, number correct, and percent correct), and the points achieved (points achieved, possible, and % achieved).
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
- If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, select Reports; then, select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice in the menu. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select Reports under My Data on the left side of the page; then, select Accelerated Reader Reports.
When you go to the Reports page, the tab Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice tab will be open. - On the Reports page, the Accelerated Reader/Reading Practice tab is selected. In the Quiz Usage section of the page, select Quiz Takers Report. (If you have added the report to the Pinned Reports, you'll find it under that section at the top of the page.)
- To change the selected school, teacher, class, and/or students, select Choose Students or Change Students.
Then, choose the students to include in the report. Teachers can only choose students in their own classes and groups. - In the popup window, if there is a Schools column, select a school. (This column isn't available if you only have access to one school.)
- If the Teachers column is available, at the top of the column, choose either All Teachers (to choose all the teachers in the school) or Select Teachers (to choose specific teachers; check the ones you want in the list). This column is not available to teachers unless they are assigned to more than one school.
- At the top of the Classes column, choose either All Classes (to choose all the classes for the teachers) or Select Classes (to choose specific classes; check the ones you want in the list).
- Teachers, school administrators, and school staff will also see a Groups column. At the top of the Groups column, choose either All Groups or Select Groups; if you choose Select Groups, check the groups that you want to include. The first choice in the column is "Whole Class" or "Whole Classes"; choose this to report on the class(es) as a whole. Below that, you will see groups you created.
You may need to scroll to the right to see the Students column. At the top of the Students column, choose either All Students (to choose all the students) or Select Students (to choose specific students; check the ones you want in the list).
You can search the items in a column by clicking within that column and then typing Ctrl+F or control-F on the keyboard.
When you are done making your choices, select Apply (or Cancel to close the window without saving your choices).
- Use the Quiz Search field to search for each quiz that you want to include in the report. You can search by keyword, title, author, or quiz number.
In the search results, check the quizzes that you want to include in the report. Those quizzes will be added to the list on the right.
You can narrow your results using the filters. Select Filters to the right of the search field. Then, choose one of the categories on the left side of the Filters window.
You can choose from the following: - F/NF: Fiction, nonfiction, or both (or undefined for quizzes that don't have a designation)
- Language: Choose to include English (EN) and/or Spanish (SP) quizzes.
- ATOS Book Level: Enter the range of ATOS Book Levels to include. Only quiz titles with book levels in that range will be included.
- Lexile®* measure: Enter the range of Lexile® measures to include. Only quiz titles with Lexile® measures in that range will be included.
- Interest Level: Choose books whose content is most appropriate for Lower Grades (K-3), Middle Grades (4-8), Middle Plus (6 and up), and/or Upper Grades (9-12).
- Points: Enter a range of points to include. The results will only include quiz titles whose points fall within the range you choose.
Any filters that you have chosen will be checked on the left. If you want to clear the filters that you've applied, select Clear All . When you're ready to close the filters, select Close ().
After you close the filters window, the filters that are applied are shown below the search field. You can select X on a filter to remove it, or select Clear All to remove all filters.
Repeat this step for each quiz that you want to include on the report.
- Below the quiz results, use the Group By drop-down list to choose whether to group students by Classes/Groups, to group students by Grades, or not to group students.
- By default, the report will include the current school year. If you want to choose a marking period or custom dates instead, select the date field.
If you want to use one of the marking periods that have been added for your school, select the marking period in the list.
If you want to use custom dates, select Custom. In the calendars, select the first date in the range; then, select the last date. (Use the arrows to the left and right of the months to go back or forward.)
- Choose the scale to use for the book levels on the report: ATOS or Lexile® measures.
- If you only want to include classes or groups who have data, check Hide Groups Without Data next to the Reading Level Scale.
- Select Update Report under the options.
- The report will open under the button.
If you want to print the report, select the PDF icon in the top right corner of the page. You can print the PDF file that opens.
When you're ready to leave the page, you can select the Home button to go back to the Home page. To go back to the Reports page, select the Reports button (circled below) or the Back to Reports link.
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