On the Biliteracy Report tab of the Record Book, you see more information about your students' reading in Spanish and English. For each student in the selected class, you will see the student's percent correct on quizzes in each language, their average book level for passed quizzes in each language, and the percentage of reading the student has done in each language based on the points earned for passed quizzes.
How to Open the Record Book's Biliteracy Report Tab
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, School Level Administrators, Teachers
If you have a Home page tile like the first example below, to open the Accelerated Reader Record Book, select Accelerated Reader Independent Reading. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select AR under My Apps on the left side of the page as shown in the second example below.
When you have opened the Accelerated Reader Record Book, the Student Goals tab is selected by default. Select the Biliteracy Report tab as shown below. (If you haven't gone to the tab yet, and your students have taken Spanish quizzes, you will see a red dot next to the tab.)
Selecting the School and Class
At the top of the page, you will see a School drop-down list if you have access to more than one school and a Class drop-down list if you have access to more than one class. Use the drop-down list(s) to select the school and class whose information you want to view. You can view information for one class at a time.
Once you've chosen the class you want to work with, notice the school year summary information that is shown at the top of the page. You'll see your students' average book level, the number of books they have read this school year, the number of articles they've read, the percentage of nonfiction they've read, and the number of words they've read.
Selecting the Marking Period
Use the Marking Period drop-down list to choose the marking period that you want to see biliteracy information for. You can also select the school year or a specific marking period.
The marking periods that are in the list are those that a school-level or district-level administrator has added to the Renaissance software. If the selected class is set up for a time period that is shorter than the school year, only marking periods that occur during the class time period are available.
Viewing Biliteracy Information for the Class
Once you've selected a class, you will see a list of the students in your class with this data for each student's reading in Spanish (Sp) and English (En):
- % Correct: What is the student's average percent correct for the quizzes they have taken in each language? Average percent correct can help you see whether students are comprehending what they read; it may also show you whether students are choosing books that are too difficult or books that are about the right level.
- Average Book Level: What is the average book level for passed quizzes in each language? Are students reading books that are at a level you would expect?
- Reading in English vs. Spanish: You will see the total number of points that the student has earned by passing quizzes, the number earned from quizzes in each language, and the percentage for each language. Are students passing more quizzes in one language than another? Is that what you expect to see?
This data includes Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes that the students have taken.
Below the list of students, you will see overall averages for each category to give you biliteracy information for the class as a whole.
Viewing Detailed Information for One Student
If you'd like to see which quizzes a student took in each language, select the student's name.
You will go to the Student Details page with the Biliteracy tab selected. On that tab, you'll see the Spanish and English quizzes that the student has taken in the selected marking period. For more information, see Student Details - Biliteracy.