The TOPS Report shows your results for the quiz and information about your progress. TOPS stands for "The Opportunity to Praise a Student"!
The report shows you:
- the title of the book or article
- how many questions you answered correctly
- information about the book and quiz
- your score
- the number of points you earned
- the words you learned (correct words) and those you did not learn (incorrect words) (for Vocabulary Practice Quizzes)
- your progress toward your goals (not shown if you have badge goals) - Note: If there is more than one marking period with goals happening now, you will see a drop-down list that you can use to choose the marking period that you want to see goals for.
- your progress for the school year
- your scores for reading skills (for Literacy Skills Quizzes)
If you want to print the report, select the PDF button at the top of the page to open a file that is ready to print. If you want to see the report in Spanish, select Español. When you're done with the report, select < Back at the top of the page.