You will see one or more pages listed and title(s) that match your search criteria.
- To see more details about a particular book on a page, click the book title. The Book Details page opens.
- You can expand or reduce the amount of information displayed in search results. In the Title Author Quiz No. column, click Show More Details to see a book cover, a brief description, word count, page count, ISBN, LCCN, publisher, and publication date for each book in addition to the basic information. Click Show Fewer Details to hide the additional information; you will still see each book's title, author, quiz number, language, and fiction/nonfiction.
- Click the page navigation buttons to navigate through multiple pages of search results.
- By default, the titles are sorted alphabetically by title. If you click Title again at the top of the column, the titles will be sorted from Z-A instead of A-Z.
In the same column, you can choose to sort books by Author or Quiz Number (Quiz No.). As with the Title option, clicking Author again will sort from Z to A (by last name) instead of A to Z. Clicking Quiz No. again will sort books from biggest to smallest quiz number.
You can also click the other column headings to sort books by interest level, book level, or the number of points students can earn for taking a Reading Practice Quiz.
- To print a Search Results Report, click Print Results. See Book List/Search Results Reports.
- To create book/quiz lists from your search results, click Create List. See Book and Quiz Lists.
For more information about searching, see Searching for Books and Quizzes.