In book lists and search results, you can see some book details for each book. You can also select a book's title to see the details on a separate page.
Viewing Book Details
To view the Book Details page for any book, click that book's title in your book list or in search results. (See "Book Details Page" below.)
You can expand or reduce the amount of information displayed in book lists and/or search results. In the Title Author Quiz No. column, click Show More Details to see a book cover, a brief description, word count, page count, ISBN, LCCN, publisher, and publication date for each book in addition to the basic information. Click Show Fewer Details to hide the additional information; you will still see each book's title, author, quiz number, language, and fiction/nonfiction.
Book Details Page
The Book Details page includes:
- Title, author, quiz number, and a brief description of the book (you cannot edit this information)
- Quiz status (ownership)
The boxes for each quiz type are checked if the quiz is available (to show that you own the quiz). Quiz types include RP (Reading Practice), RV (Recorded Voice), LS (Literacy Skills), and VP (Vocabulary Practice). Not all quiz types are available for all titles; in the example below, Recorded Voice is not available for the book, so that quiz type has no check box.
Your Accelerated Reader Bookguide comes with all available quizzes. Your quiz database is automatically updated once a week with new and revised quizzes.
- Book Location(s)
This lists each book location and the number of copies of the book at each location. (You can edit the number of copies.) In the example above, there is one copy of the book, and it is in the library.
Book level, points, and word count (you cannot edit this information)
- Book Type (Fiction or Nonfiction - you can edit this information)
Interest Level (you can edit this information)
The Interest Levels are:
- Lower Grades (LG K-3)
- Middle Grades (MG 4-8)
- Middle Grades Plus (MG+ 6 and up)
- Upper Grades (UG 9-12)
The Interest Level relates to content and age appropriateness of the book, not the difficulty or readability of the text. Books and other reading materials are assigned an Interest Level based on publisher recommendations.
The Interest Level reflects the judgment of the book's publisher and the professionals at Renaissance. However, the final decision on whether the content of a book is appropriate for a particular student is the responsibility of school librarians, teachers, and parents. Within each Interest Level, you will find a wide range of Book Levels to support students who read at, above, and below grade level.
Custom Fields 1 and 2 (if defined)
Use the drop-down list to select a Custom Field. Custom Fields are created in the General Preferences.
- Call Number (you can edit this information)
- Topic-subtopic classifications, book series, publisher(s), LCCN, ISBN, year published, and page count (you cannot edit this information)
- Lists that include this title, creator, and last edited date
You cannot edit these fields directly. However, any changes to lists will be reflected here.
Printing Book Details
To print the Book Details Page, click Print Book Details on the right side of the page.
Changing Book Details
On the Book Details page for a title, you can change some information.
Use the Book Type drop-down list to change whether the book is fiction or nonfiction.
Use the Interest Level drop-down list to choose the grades for which the book is most appropriate.
If you are using custom fields, choose the values that apply to the book.
Enter or edit the call number if necessary.
You can also check whether you have the quiz, and you can enter the number of copies of the book that you have at each specified location (if you own the book).
After making changes, click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to return to your search results or book list without saving your changes.
Adding or Removing a Book from the Active List
On the Book Details page, you can also add or remove the book from the Active List. Click Add to Active List on the right side of the page to add the book to your active list. Click Remove from Active List to remove the book from the Active List.