For current Accelerated Reader subscriptions, Accelerated Reader Bookguide comes with all available quizzes, so you do not need to mark the quizzes that you own. Your quiz database is automatically updated once a week with new and revised quizzes.
To mark the books you own, you can import Library Information System MARC record files. After you do this, books you own will appear as "owned" in Accelerated Reader Bookguide. For more information, see Importing.
You can also mark the books you own manually by following the steps below.
How to Manually Mark Books and Quizzes as "Have" (Owned)
You can mark books and quizzes either in Advanced Search results or in your Active List. To mark books and quizzes from an Advanced Search, follow the steps below.
To mark books and quizzes from your Active List, on the Accelerated Reader Bookguide Home page, under Title and List Management, click List Management. Then click Active List. Go to step 9 below.
- On the Accelerated Reader Bookguide Home page, under Title and List Management, click Book/Quiz Search.
- Click Advanced Search in the Quick Search tab.
- Enter information to narrow your search as described under Advanced Search in Searching for Books and Quizzes. Under Book and Quiz ownership status, next to Reading Practice (RP) Quiz, Recorded Voice (RV) Quiz, Literacy Skills (LS) Quiz, Vocabulary Practice (VP) Quiz, or Book, select No from the desired drop-down list(s).
- Use the Book Location drop-down to select the desired location. The list will vary according to the available locations; the default is Any Book Location.
- Use the Quiz Released drop-down list to select the release date timeframe that you'd like to search for if necessary, or leave Any Time selected.
- Use the Quiz Type drop-down list to select the quiz type. Your choices are: Any Quiz Type (default), Reading Practice (RP), Recorded Voice (RV), Literacy Skills (LS), or Vocabulary Practice (VP).
- In the Titles per page drop-down list, you can select 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 75, or 100 for the number of titles that will display on each page.
- Click Search.
Marking Quizzes (typically not necessary since all are owned)
To select individual titles for which you have a quiz, check the box next to that title.
To select all the titles displayed on this page, check the Select box in the column heading to check all of the boxes.
To mark the quiz for the titles you selected as "have," in the Mark have... heading above the list, click the round Quiz type icon (, , , or ) for the titles you selected. See Book and Quiz Lists.
If your list or search results span more than one page, you will need to mark the quizzes for each page. Use the arrows just above the table and to the right to go to other pages of results.
Once you marked that you have a certain quiz type for a title, the quiz icon to the left of that title becomes a blue circle with the quiz abbreviation in the center. This shows that you have the quiz for that book title. In the example below, the school owns the Reading Practice quiz for the first two titles listed as shown by the blue "RP" circles.
Marking Books
To select individual titles for which you have a book, check the box under Select next to that title.
To select all the titles displayed on this page, check the box above Select in the column heading to check all the boxes.
To mark the book titles you selected as books that you own, above the list, click Book for the titles you selected. If you are asked to choose a location, use the popup window to select it. See Book and Quiz Lists.
If your list or search results span more than one page, you will need to mark the books for each page. Use the arrows just above the table and to the right to go to other pages of results.
Note about the search results method: Once you mark a title as owned by clicking Book, that book title disappears from the search results page because you have searched for titles you don't have, and those title(s) marked as owned no longer fit that description.
Note about the Active List method: Once you have marked a title as an owned book by clicking Book, the N (for No) in the Book column changes to Y (for Yes).
You can also change the book's status on the Book Details page by entering the number of copies that you have at one or more locations.
How to Mark Books or Quizzes as Not Owned
- From either your Active List or Search Results, click the book title to go to that book's Book Details page. See Book and Quiz Details.
- For books: In the locations for the book, change the number of copies from 1 to 0.
For quizzes: Remove the check mark for the quiz type you don't have.
- Click Save.
To see a definition of the Quiz Type symbols that appear in your list, click Legend.
How to Show the Owned Quizzes and Books in Accelerated Reader Bookfinder
Once you have marked the books and quizzes that you have, you can choose whether to show that information to parents, guardians, and teachers in Accelerated Reader Bookfinder. You will find the Show Quiz Ownership and Show Book Ownership settings in the Personal Preferences.