After students take a reading quiz on a book or article, they can select the View TOPS Report button on their quiz results screen. (Students can also view TOPS Reports for quizzes they have taken in the past when they view their completed quizzes. Teachers can also view their students' TOPS Reports.)
The TOPS Report provides immediate feedback to the student, quiz monitor, and teacher about the student's performance on a reading quiz (Reading Practice, Vocabulary Practice, Literacy Skills, Other Reading, or Article). The report provides a means of student/teacher interaction and can be shared with parents or others to help students celebrate their successes.
To print or save the report, select Print toward the top of the page. Then, select View PDF in the message that opens to open a PDF file that you can download or print.
Spanish TOPS Reports are available for Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes. When the TOPS Report opens, simply select the Español button. (The button changes to English so that you can change back to the English TOPS Report if necessary.)
TOPS Report for Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes
For Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes, and Other Reading Quizzes, the TOPS Report includes:
- the title of the book or article
- the quiz results (number correct)
- book and quiz information, including the author, book level (and Lexile®* measure if used), quiz number, date and time the quiz was completed, interest level, fiction/nonfiction, language, TWI information (for book quizzes), and word count
- the percentage correct score
- the number of points earned
- a Goal Progress section (for Reading Practice and Article Quizzes) that shows students how close they are to achieving their average % correct and points goals (this section is not shown if the K-2 goal model is being used). The reading range goal will also be shown with the lower end as the goal (the class Lexile® Goals preference determines whether ATOS book levels or Lexile® measures are used). If there are overlapping marking periods with goals, you'll see a Marking Period drop-down list; choose the marking period that you want to see goals for.
- totals for the goal time period, including the number of quizzes passed, the percentage of nonfiction books or articles read, and the number of words read (totals aren't included if the student's goals have different start and end dates or if no goal is set - they also aren't shown if the K-2 goal model is being used)
- a school year summary, which includes students' overall average % correct, average book level, points earned, quizzes passed and taken, % of nonfiction books read, and words read (for Reading Practice Quizzes and article quizzes only, you will also see the last certification achieved and the date it was achieved and the current certification goal)
TOPS Report for Vocabulary Practice Quizzes
For Vocabulary Practice Quizzes, the TOPS Report includes:
- the title of the book
- the quiz results (number correct)
- book and quiz information, including the author, book level, quiz number, date and time the quiz was completed, interest level, fiction/nonfiction, language, and word count
- the percentage correct score
- the words for which the student answered questions correctly and those that were answered incorrectly (the grade level for each word is included)
- totals for the goal time period, including the number of quizzes taken and the number of words learned
- a school year summary, which includes students' overall average % correct on Vocabulary Practice Quizzes, the number of words learned, and the number of Vocabulary Practice Quizzes taken
TOPS Report for Literacy Skills Quizzes
For Literacy Skills Quizzes, the TOPS Report includes:
- the title of the book
- the quiz results (number correct)
- book and quiz information, including the author, quiz number, and the date and time the quiz was completed
- the percentage correct score
- the number of times the student took a Literacy Skills Quiz on this book (up to 3 are allowed)
- totals for the goal time period, including the overall score for all Literacy Skills Quizzes and the number of words read
- a school year summary, which includes students' overall score on Literacy Skills Quizzes and the number of words read
- a Reading Skills Summary, which includes a table for each domain, and for each skill includes the number correct and possible for this quiz and all Literacy Skills Quizzes (summaries are also included for each domain)
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