On this page, you can choose assignments to use for the skills or topics that you have selected or the keyword that you entered.
The skills or topics that you selected in the previous step are listed on the left (under "Selected Skills" or "Selected Topics"). If you chose topics and selected grades, the grades you selected are also shown. If you used the My Content tab on the Select Skills page, one "All" category is listed on the left side of this page.
The first skill or topic is already selected, and the Accelerated Reader 360 assignments (resources) that are available for the skill or topic are listed in the middle column. (If you want to change the list of selected skills or topics, select Change next to the "Selected Skills" or "Selected Topics" heading to go back.)
For each assignment, you will see the Lexile® Measure and ATOS book level as well.
Note that since each assignment will be listed, you may see articles listed more than once if you are finding articles by topic or keyword. Most articles have more than one assignment type available.
Adding Assignments to Your Plan
The assignments that match the skills, topics, or keyword are listed. To add one of the assignments to your plan, select + Add.
In the drop-down list that opens, select the day when you want students to start seeing the assignment in the Assignments List on their Home page.
The assignment will be added to the day you select in the Schedule list on the right. It will also be checked in the list of assignments; if you want to change the day, select the check mark to see the list of days again and to select a different one.
After you finish adding assignments for one skill or topic, you can select the next one to find assignments for that skill or topic.
If you decide that you want to create your own skills practice assignment, you can select Create your own at the bottom of the page (next to the Review button) to start the process. See Adding Your Own Skills Practice Assignments.
Narrowing or Filtering Your Results
You can reduce the list of results by searching for a specific keyword or by using filters. If your school has purchased other Renaissance products, you may also be able to use filters to find resources other than Accelerated Reader 360 skills practice assignments. To start, select the icon.
Using Search
If you want to search for articles with specific words, enter a keyword; then, select Apply or press enter on the keyboard. Articles that include that keyword and are for the selected topic or skill will be listed.
Using Filters
Below the keywords field, you will see filters that you can use.
If you are finding assignments by skill and standard, you may be able to use filters to choose to see other resource types, such as Star Custom skill checks or instructional resources (from Renaissance or other sources). By default, AR360 Article Skills Practice assignments are already shown; check the boxes for other types of assignments that you'd like to see. The types of assignments that are available depend on the Renaissance products that your school has purchased; if Accelerated Reader 360 is your only Renaissance product, other resources will not be available. When you're done, select Apply to update the list of results.
If you are finding assignments by topic and keyword, check the source of the AR360 article assignments that you want to see (Renaissance Learning or user-authored) or the types of article assignments that you want to see. Assignment types include Read Aloud, Read and Quiz, Skills Practice and Quiz, or Skills Practice (without a quiz). Note that only AR360 article assignments are shown when you find assignments by topic and keyword. When you're done, select Apply to update the list of results.
Paging Through Results
If you have more than one page of results, use the arrows at the bottom of the page to go to the next page of results (), the previous page (), the last page of results (), or back to the first page ().
Previewing Assignments
To preview an assignment, select Preview in the top right corner of the assignment card.
The assignment will open, and you will see the assignment as a student would see it, starting with the assignment instructions, and then continuing with each assignment item. (The article text is included with each item for reference.)
To go on from one step to the next, select Next > or select one of the item numbers at the bottom of the page.
Any work you do on the assignment will not be saved since you are previewing it. On the last item, select Finish; then, select Finish again in the confirmation message.
If a quiz is included, you can select Take Quiz to take it.
As you preview, you can select + Add to Plan at the top of the page. Then, select the day for the assignment just as you would if you were adding the assignment from the list. The button will change to show a check mark and "Added."
Select Close Preview to close the assignment when you are done.
Removing Assignments from the Schedule
If you want to remove an assignment that you've selected from the schedule on the right, select the X next to that skill. (The X will turn red when you move the mouse pointer over it.)
Going on to the Review Step
When you have finished choosing the assignments for this plan, select Review at the bottom of the page. On the next page, you can review and adjust the days when you will use the assignments.