On this page, make sure the information shown about the assignment is correct. You cannot make changes after you publish the assignment. If you need to change the selected article or the assignment information, or if you need to upload a new assignment file, select < Back to go back.
If you no longer need to make changes to the assignment and you are ready to publish it, select Publish Assignment.
When you publish, a message will tell you that the assignment has been imported. Select OK. You will go back to the Add Content page. Your assignment will be available to you and to others in your district within 5 to 10 minutes.
In Accelerated Reader 360, you can find your new assignment (and imported articles) when you choose Find Articles by Skills or Standards or Find Articles by Topic and Keyword.
As you find and assign article assignments, the fastest way to find only the assignments you created is to select the My Content tab on the Select Skills page; then, select Continue. Note that the My Content tab does not find assignments created by other users, but you can find those assignments by skill or topic.