Lexile® measures are available in Accelerated Reader. In some places, the software shows both ATOS book levels and Lexile® measures. On reports, you can select the scale to see. However, in areas where only one book level type is shown, the class Lexile® Goals preference determines which is used.
Where can I see Lexile® measures in Accelerated Reader?
Many reports and dashboards include Lexile® measures if you have chosen to show them using the scale setting for the report. Students using Accelerated Reader can also see Lexile® measures alongside of ATOS book levels when they search for quizzes and view quiz information. Administrators and teachers see both levels on the Manage Books & Quizzes pages.
The class Lexile® Goals preference determines whether ATOS book levels or Lexile® measures are used for
- Accelerated Reader reading range goals and student progress
- student book level restrictions for quizzes, and
- Accelerated Reader reports.
Note: The Lexile Goals preference does not affect Star Reading reports. See the school Lexile® Range preference for Star report settings.
How can I change the Lexile® Goals preference?
Follow the steps below to change the Lexile® Goals preference. District administrators can set the preference for all classes in a school. School administrators can change the preference for all classes in their school. Teachers can change the preference for their classes.
- At the top of the Home page or Renaissance Next page, select your initials, then Edit Preferences.
- On the Preferences page, select Lexile® Goals under the Class Preferences.
- Your classes are listed. For each school, check Use Lexile® measures if you want to use Lexile® measures instead of ATOS book levels for reading range goals, book level restrictions, and reports.
If you want to use the same setting for all of your classes, select Set All above the table.
In the popup window, check the box or remove the check mark; then, select Apply to All. (You still need to save your changes.)
- Select Save Changes to save your settings. (Select < Back to go back to the Preferences page.)
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