You can use the Accelerated Reader preferences to control how the software works for your school, class, or individual students.
To see the preferences, if you have a Home page tile like the first example below, select Accelerated Reader Independent Reading; then, select Preferences. If your home page is Renaissance Next, select AR under My Apps on the left side of the page as shown in the second example below; then, select Preferences in the menu that opens.
On the Preferences page, you will see categories for District Preferences, School Preferences, Class Preferences, and Individual Student Preferences. District Preferences affect all schools and users. School preferences are set for each school. Classroom preferences are set for each class. Individual student preferences allow you to choose a setting for each student. When a school year ends and a new one begins, the District, School, and Individual Student preference settings remain the same and should be reviewed for necessary changes. Classroom preferences don't carry over since classes are new every school year.
By default, district-level administrators can set district preferences, school preferences for any school, and class and student preferences for any class. School-level administrators can set school preferences, class preferences, and student preferences for their school. Teachers can set class preferences and student preferences for their classes. District staff and school staff can see preference settings, but they cannot change them.
Some preferences affect both Accelerated Reader and Star testing. Only the preferences that affect Accelerated Reader are listed below. If you have Star products, you will see other preferences in the list.
In the list below, select the preference name to find out more about setting the preferences and how the settings affect Accelerated Reader.
School preferences:
- Article Quiz Availability: This preference sets whether articles are available at each school. If you choose not to make articles available, students cannot find, read, or take quizzes on Accelerated Reader articles.
- Dates and Times for Accelerated Reader: This preference can be used to restrict student Accelerated Reader quizzes to school year dates, weekdays, and/or times of day. You can also set whether the monitor password can be used to override date and time restrictions.
- Home Connect Email preference: This preference controls which assignments parents can choose to receive email updates for. (Parents can set up email updates in Renaissance Home Connect or from the student's Home page.)
- Locale Content Sets preference: This preference can be used to show quizzes intended for other countries or to show and hide English/Spanish quizzes.
- Manage Quiz Results preference: Administrators can use this preference to set whether teachers in a school are allowed to edit students' quiz dates, review/rescore student quiz answers, deactivate quiz records, and transfer quiz records from one student to another. Regardless of the preference settings, School Level Administrators and District Level Administrators can perform all these tasks.
- Monitor Password Override for Book/Interest Level preference: This preference determines whether the monitor password can be used to override book level restrictions and interest level restrictions.
- Passing Percent preference: This preferences sets the minimum passing percent correct score for Reading Practice Quizzes, Other Reading Quizzes, and Article Quizzes.
Class preferences:
- Lexile®* Goals preference: Sets whether Lexile® measures are used for Accelerated Reader goals, book level restrictions (see the Book Level Restrictions preference), and reports. On many Accelerated Reader pages, both the ATOS book level and the Lexile® measure are shown regardless of the preference setting. For many reports, you can choose the book level type to show.
- Monitor Password - Reading Quizzes preference: Use this preference to set the monitor password for each class for Accelerated Reader quizzes.
- Password Requirement preference: Use this preference to set whether the monitor password is required before Star tests, before Accelerated Reader quizzes, and after Accelerated Reader quizzes.
- Quiz Retake Restrictions preference: Use this preference to control when (and whether) students are allowed to retake Accelerated Reader quizzes. This preference affects all types of Accelerated Reader quizzes.
- Reading Goals Model preference: This preference determines which goal model you want to use for students in your class.
- Show Quiz Answers preference: This preference sets whether students are allowed to review quiz questions and answers after they pass quizzes. This preference applies only to passed quizzes taken in the current school year; students cannot review quiz answers from previous school years.
Individual student preferences
- Book Level Restrictions preference: Use this preference if you want to restrict students to taking quizzes on books with a specific range of book levels.
- Interest Level Restrictions preference: Use this preference if you want to restrict students to taking quizzes on books with certain interest levels.
- Quiz Settings: Quiz settings include the TWI settings, which determine whether students are asked how they read the book (To, With, or Independently), and the Recorded Voice settings), which determines whether students may use Recorded Voice on quizzes that have it available (and whether they may choose when to use Recorded Voice).
The following school and class preferences, which were in previous versions of Accelerated Reader, have changed or have been replaced with default settings:
- Allow Multi-Language Quizzing is no longer a preference. Students can take a quiz on the same title in both English and Spanish.
- Book Voting is no longer a preference. All students will be asked to rate each book after taking the Reading Practice Quiz.
- Certifications is no longer a preference. Any passed Reading Practice Quiz that meets the certification criteria (book level and method used to read the book) applies to certification goals.
- Classroom Restrictions has been replaced with the Manage Quiz Results preference, which applies to editing quiz dates and scores and transferring quizzes as well as deactivating quizzes.
- Literacy Skills Passing Percent is no longer a preference. The passing percentage for Literacy Skills Quizzes is always 70%.
- Literacy Skills Retakes is no longer a preference, but students can retake the Literacy Skills Quiz for a title twice (for a total of three tries), and they can now use the Quiz Retakes preference to choose to allow a student to retake any Literacy Skills Quiz after a set amount of time or when the monitor password is entered.
- Monitor Password has been replaced with the new Monitor Password - Reading Quizzes preference. Monitor passwords can now be set differently for each class.
- Monitor Password Required has been replaced with the Password Requirement class preference.
- Quiz Setup is no longer a preference. You can use the Individual Student preferences to restrict student quizzing by book level or by interest level.
- Show Total Points is no longer a preference. Students see their points when they view their completed work.
- Student Experience is no longer a preference. The Reading Goals Model preference determines how goals are set and what students will see when they view their progress.
- TOPS Report Printing is no longer a preference, but students can still select View TOPS Report after a quiz to see a report of their results.
- TWI Monitoring is no longer a preference, but you can use the Quiz Settings preference to choose whether students are asked how they read books.
- Vocabulary Practice Include Definitions is no longer a preference. Students cannot view the vocabulary for books, though teachers can when they view Vocabulary Practice Quiz information.
- Vocabulary Practice Review Only Quiz Length is no longer a preference. Review quizzes are not included at this time.
- Vocabulary Practice Review Percent is no longer a preference. Review words are not included at this time.
- Vocabulary Practice Student Comprehension is no longer a preference. Students can take a Vocabulary Practice Quiz for a book even if they have not yet taken the Reading Practice Quiz.
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