By following the steps below, you can view or delete a plan that you have created in Accelerated Reader 360. Although you can view and delete plans that you created, you cannot view or delete plans created by other teachers or administrators, even if those plans were created for your class. (However, you can see other plans when you select Track Assignments in Accelerated Reader 360 to go to the Track Student Work Dashboard.)
- On the Home page, select Accelerated Reader 360 Assigned Reading.
- Select either Find Articles by Skills or Standards or Find Articles by Topic and Keyword. (If you want to view plans without creating one, it does not matter which option you choose.)
- The next page will list all plans that you have created for your classes or groups. Current plans are plans that have started, but haven't reached their end date yet. Upcoming plans start in the future. Past plans are those whose end dates are in the past.
If you haven't created any Accelerated Reader 360 plans, the page will tell you that you have no plans yet.
For each plan, you'll see the name, the start and end dates, and the class or group. To the right under "Selected Skills," you'll also see a list of the skills in the plan if you created the plan using Find Articles by Skills or Standards (see the first example below). Skills are not shown if you created a plan using Find Articles by Topic and Keyword (see the second example); however, you can view the plan to see which assignments and skills were included.If you have assigned Featured Articles using the Assign button on the Accelerated Reader 360 Home page, you won't see those assigned articles in a plan on this page. Instead, see the AR 360 Instructional Practice Plan on the Track Student Work Dashboard. Articles that students select themselves are also in that plan. See Viewing the Results of Students' Assignments and Article Quizzes for more about viewing plans on the dashboard.
Viewing Plans
If you want to see the assignments in the plan and the days selected for them, select the View option.
You will see the days in your plan and the assignments that you have put in each day. Note: If your plan only includes student assignments (not teacher resources or assessments), you may need to scroll down to see the assignments.
If you want to preview an assignment, select the card for that assignment in the schedule; then, select View.
The assignment will open in a new tab in your browser, and you will see the assignment as a student would see it, starting with the assignment instructions, and then continuing with each assignment item. (The article text is included with each item for reference.) To go on from one step to the next, select Next > or select one of the item numbers at the bottom of the page. Any work you do on the assignment will not be saved since you are previewing it. On the last item, select Finish; then, select Finish again in the confirmation message. If a quiz is included, you can select Take Quiz to take it. Select Close Window to close the tab when you are done. When you have finished previewing an assignment, be sure to close the browser tab. Remember that AR 360 is still open in your original browser tab.
When you have finished viewing assignments, select Done at the bottom of the page. You will go back to the list of Assignment Plans.
Deleting Plans
You can also delete assignment plans, whether they are current, upcoming, or past. When you delete an assignment plan, the plan is removed from the list on this page, and it won't be listed in dashboards. Students will no longer see assignments from the plan in the Assignments list on their Home page, even if the students have completed some or all of the assignments. The assignments from the deleted plan will no longer be available, so they will no longer count toward student goals.
To delete a plan from the list, select the Delete link for that plan.
The Delete Plan message will open. If you are sure that you want to continue and delete the plan, select Yes; otherwise, select No.